Whirly Girl Flowers

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A Western Wedding in Rust & sage

Anthony and I met working at HF Bar Ranch the summer of 2012. We landed at the foot of the Bighorn Mountains in a welcoming “dude ranch” community of staff, guests, and plenty of four-legged friends (horses, dogs, pigs, and even a donkey!) We fell hard for each other that first summer, and I went home with sore ribs from all the dips on the dance floor.

Anthony and I fell in love the old-fashioned way- quality time together- fishing, dancing, flirting in the dining hall, and driving down dusty dirt roads with music blaring and the windows down.

Our future together was uncertain, and we went through a significant period apart. Until we were back, better than ever, and Anthony asked me to marry him.

 Inspired by Priya Parker's “The Art of Gathering,” Anthony and I crafted a Purpose Statement for our wedding. It went something like this:

•           To lovingly celebrate our life-long commitment to each other with a small group of our closest friends and family. These humans bring out the very best in us and represent the people we want to build our future alongside. 

•           To create an intimate sense of community and foster meaningful connections among our guests.

Bringing this Purpose Statement to life did not just magically happen; it took intentional planning. Amidst the wedding planning process, we were also working with a coach who guided us through a process of getting to know ourselves and building who we wanted to be together. It was not always easy, but it was worth it. This values-driven process became our anchor for navigating both our relationship and wedding planning.

During her year of wedding planning, Hanna also launched her own Mindfulness & Coaching practice, Soul Trust Ignite. Through individual, couple, and group sessions, she helps ignite your soul to find optimal wellness by developing a deeper relationship with yourself. After our lovely wedding planning process, we talked about her dream of a couples program focusing on communication, values, and purpose.

My decision to build “Commit” – a coaching program for committed partnerships preparing for life together – came from our own experience diving into our relationship as we simultaneously planned our wedding. The more we examined ourselves and uncovered each other, the more clarity we had on what we wanted the rest of our life to feel like. I am thrilled to be able to provide coaching support for couples to amplify their existing love and to dig deep into their relationship goals and evolutions.  

She’s hosting a free, 45-minute event on Thursday, February 9th, 2023, at 5 PM Mountain time. This will be a fun and engaging way to learn more about Hanna as a coach and facilitator and to see if this program may be a good fit for you and your partner.

For all my friends and couples planning to build a life together with their partner, I highly recommend you meet Hanna and see what she can offer!